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NJVTI - Membership & Training Meeting

  • Friday, April 08, 2022
  • 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Friendly Sons Of-Shillelagh: 815 16th Ave, Belmar, NJ 07719


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The Training Topic for the Meeting will be: Facial Recognition “Scrub” and Document Analysis

Our guest speakers will be Mark Cushing and Edward Sidley, Investigators with the Document Fraud and Training Unit for NJ MVC Security, Investigations and Internal Audit.

The Meeting will be held on Friday, April 8th, 2022 at:

Friendly Sons Of-Shillelagh

815 16th Ave

Belmar, NJ 07719

Doors will open at 10:30am. A general membership meeting will begin at 11am, followed by the guest speakers and then lunch.

$5.00 will be collected at the door to offset the cost of the lunch.

Please Park in the lot across the street. 

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